Friday, December 4, 2015

The Season of Giving and College Week

We have survived another busy, but fun week!! This week I wrapped up with all my small groups that I meet with. I have seven different small groups of 3-4 kids each, that have been running for the last six weeks and this week we had a celebration of completing our last one. I also was in kindergarten-2nd grade rooms to give a lesson about the power of giving and showing compassion towards others. This is the perfect time of year to remind them of that! We watched a video from Howard B. Wigglebottom and then I had them draw four different ways they could be giving and compassionate this holiday season. We talked about how it is also important to remember to be compassionate and giving all year and not just during the holidays. They came up with many great examples, like taking clothes and food to those in need, or donating toys they don't use anymore!

Image result for howard b wigglebottom and the power of giving

This lesson tied in perfectly with the Giving Tree drive that Student Council has been working on for the last few weeks! We were able to collect enough gifts for 17 families in our school, who were in need of some help this Christmas! That is pretty amazing, especially if you got to see all the gifts pile up in the room we stored them in like I did. We collected around 265 presents!! This is just amazing and we couldn't have done this without the help of parents and staff who chipped in. I also owe a big thank you to many parents who either volunteered to help me sort all the gifts, helped put up the Christmas tree, bought wrapping paper, tape, and bags, and helped me make the ornaments that went on the tree with the items in need!! You helped make this huge project a success! I can't wait to call the parents to pick them up and hopefully make their holidays a little brighter! Thank you again to everyone who contributed in whatever way you did! :-) 



It was also College Week this week! This week helped our young learners by exposing them at an early age to the many options they have to further their education and to help them realize how important it is. They were also able to think about what they want to choose for a career when they grow up, like this little artist, veterinarian, scientist, and teacher (she wore a badge that said she was Mrs. Kanak) below! They were so adorable and had such great aspirations for the future, already in kindergarten! The younger we start them thinking about these things, the better chances they have in achieving all their goals and dreams.

We also had a college banner contest this week! Everyone did such an amazing job on their banners and it was so hard to choose, but here are the winners: 

For Pre-K/PPCD- Mrs. Cabrera's Class

For Kindergarten- Ms. Siller's Class

For First Grade- Ms. Grabel's Class

For 2nd Grade- Mr. Torres' Class

For 3rd Grade- Mrs. Tarpley's Class

For 4th Grade- Ms. Atkinson's Class

For 5th Grade- Ms. Ly's Class


Next week and the following week I will be in the remaining PK, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes to give my lesson on giving and compassion. 

Have a great weekend!!