Please Visit the New SEL at Home WebsiteThere are many ideas here for what you can do at home due to COVID-19:Social and Emotional Learning First |
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a fundamental research-driven approach based on the tenets of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Students learn critical life skills such as recognizing and managing emotions, solving problems effectively and establishing positive relationships. SEL creates the foundation that lets all other learning occur.
SEL reaches beyond the classroom to all aspects of life. Skills and concepts are integrated in academic lessons and practiced to enhance the climate of the school. Out of school time providers and parents reinforce SEL skills as well.
Guiding Principles |
Recognizing one's emotions and values as well as one's strengths and limitations
Self- Management
Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one's goals.
Social Awareness
Showing understanding and empathy for others.
Relationships Skills
Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict.
Responsible Decision Making
Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior. |
SEL lessons at Oak Hill are taught once a week by every teacher on campus. The whole school then makes sure to reinforce these concepts taught through the SEL lessons every day and also integrate these concepts into other subject areas.
Each classroom at Oak Hill also has a "Peace Area" in which students can take some time to calm down when they are upset, work out a conflict with a friend, or just take some needed time to themselves. They know that the "Peace Area" is a positive place to be able to go and calm down, de-stress, or solve a conflict and that it is never a place they are sent for "time-out". It is never a punishment and students choose if they would like to go there; they are never forced.
AISD Curriculum Standards | |
The AISD SEL Curriculum Standards are TEKS-aligned and were developed with the use of standards from across the nation and based on the CASEL Core Social and Emotional Competencies. |
Curriculum goals: | |
For more information, go to AISD's Department of Social and Emotional Learning Site:
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