Friday, March 13, 2015

The Anti-Test Anxiety Society

This week our fourth and fifth grade students got to learn how to be members of "The Anti-Test Anxiety Society". Third grade also got to learn about this last week. We read the book, The Anti-Test Anxiety Society by Julia Cook to help us with strategies for calming our nerves and anxiousness when it comes to taking the STAAR test.

Some kids can really start to feel nervous before the big state exam, so we learned the "Dynamic Dozen" steps to being better prepared for the test, so the anxiety goes away. Here are the steps we learned to help us.

I also gave each student a copy of the "Dynamic Dozen," so they can look over it any time they need help remembering how to prepare and feel less anxious. We talked A LOT about positive thinking and believing and verbalizing that they CAN and WILL do well on the test and to think of it as getting to show how much they know and have learned, instead of all the negative thoughts that come to mind. We talked about how you can turn almost any negative into a positive if you try. Also, being well prepared will greatly reduce any anxiety or stress. If you are prepared for something, you generally feel a lot better about it and have positive feelings. 

You can help as parents, too, by being sure they get to bed early the night before the test, so they are well rested and feeling good in the morning. Also, making sure they have a nutritious breakfast in the morning will really help! Exercise is also very good for improving brain stimulation, it releases endorphins for those feel-good feelings, decreases stress, and helps keep your kids healthy. You can also help by encouraging them to just do their best and helping them to understand that if they miss some questions, it will be okay, and they can just try better next time. A whole lot of pressure is not necessary and won't help them. Try to keep everything very positive. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break!! I will be going to Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe with a couple of my friends, so I will definitely enjoy my break as well!! 

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