Monday, May 16, 2016

Student Council End of the Year Field Trip and Celebration

It seems as though we were just inducting our Student Council members, and here we are already at the end, rewarding them for all the hard work they have done this year! On Friday of last week, we were able to do one more volunteer project for our community by visiting the Austin Diaper Bank and helping to package diapers for low-income families who cannot afford them for their babies. The kids were admittedly unsure of what it would be like when I mentioned we were going to a Diaper Bank; and I may have joked with them and said we would be changing babies diapers ;-)...BUT they LOVED it!!! They had so much fun getting to wrap the diapers up and some kids got to even take inventory while they were there. A few of our members decorated boxes that would be packaged and sent to organizations who help low-income families with painted hand prints and some worked on a "thank you" poster for a church that donated diapers to the Austin Diaper Bank. The majority of our members worked on the wrapping and counting of the diapers, which all of the kids said was a lot of fun! They were so quick, efficient, and really got into it, that we finished pretty quickly, so the coordinator had to find more for us to do! She was quite pleased with our group and was surprised at how quickly and well they worked. Here are some action shots from all our hard work!






After all their hard work at the Austin Diaper Bank, they were rewarded by going to Gatti Town to have a pizza celebration and play some arcade games! We also held our last Student Council meeting of the year with the Oak Hill Rotary Club while we were there and the Oak Hill Rotary Club provided them with certificates (for everyone) and plaques (for the officers)! We owe a big thank you to the Oak Hill Rotary Club, and specifically Tom Cripps, for all their help this year with our Student Council! They paid for our celebration at Gatti Town, helped us organize many of our events, helped pay a portion of our t-shirt costs, and have made donations to many of our service projects this year! I also want to give a big thank you to the parent volunteers who have helped this year! Our Vice President, Brini's, mom, Missy Bourque, has helped volunteer at every single one of our events in some capacity, even while having a full-time job, and because of this was named our Austin Partners in Education Volunteer of the Year. Also, accompanying us on this field trip was Lisa Moe and Marisa Fernandez, who we we were so thankful to have along to help us!! We have had many other parents involved throughout the year, and it is too hard to name you all, but know we appreciate you and everything you have done!! Here are some pictures from our celebration! 

Thanks to everyone who has supported Student Council and our service projects in any way, shape, or form!! We couldn't have had a successful year without the help and involvement of our whole school! :-) 

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