Tuesday, January 20, 2015

No Name Calling Week

This week is "No Name Calling Week" and we will complete or promote an activity each day this week that is related to kindness, not calling each other names, and sticking up for each other and what's right. This will be our second out of three required school-wide activities we need to do to be designated a "No Place for Hate (NPFH)" school again this year. My NPFH coalition of kids will help me this week by making announcements over the intercom each day with facts/statistics about bullying and also help in putting together some of the activities. Here is a breakdown of what this week's activities are:

Tuesday, Jan. 20: Compliment Day- Each student will write a compliment down on a small piece of paper that they have thought about saying to someone and my NPFH coalition will collect all of the compliments in the school and tape them to one big banner. We will display this banner later in the week as our "Compliment Wall". This helps to reinforce saying positive things about each other and looking for the good in each other rather than the negative.

Here's a picture of what our Compliment Box looks like where I am collecting the compliments:


This picture was taken this morning, so we are not done collecting all 800+ compliments yet! My NPFH Coalition will have a lot of work to do taping these to our banner!

Wednesday, Jan. 21: Take a Stand Against Name Calling Day- On this day kids will choose to be an ally and not a bystander. If they see anyone being put down, made fun of, or called a name they will stand up for that person. They will let the person who is name calling know that they don’t agree with what they are doing and it is not funny. If necessary, they will tell a teacher or an adult they trust.  They just might end up making a new friend.

Thursday, Jan. 22: Crumple Up Mean Words Day-  On this day all students will write a mean word they have called someone in the past (this can be anyone; it doesn’t have to be at school) on a small strip of paper. Then, they will crumple that paper up and add it to the trash bag that is at the front of the school, labeled “Mean Words are Garbage.” There is only one place at Oak Hill for unkind words and that is in the garbage. We want the kids to see how many mean words we can get rid of by filling up the bag and to make a promise to not use that word again towards someone.

Friday, Jan. 23: Kind Words Day-Let’s spread the love at Oak Hill and forgot all our differences. Students will bring a nice to note to their friends and to someone who they don’t normally play with or hang out with. They could also give a nice note to their teachers or other staff members, showing them their appreciation. Everyone will focus on saying kind and loving things to everyone they come in contact with on this day! Teachers can participate in this, too!

I look forward to all the kindness and love that should be spread this around our campus this week and love seeing the kids get into it, too! I will share a picture of our big "Compliment Wall" when it is all done! 

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