Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome Back and Dress for Success Day

Well it has been an interesting week for me coming back from break! I had a wonderful break! I got to spend Christmas with my boyfriend's family and then my mom surprised me for my birthday, which was January 4th, with tickets to the Alamo Bowl to see Kansas State University (my alma mater) play against UCLA. She lives in Las Vegas, NV, so I was so excited to not only go to the game in San Antonio, but to be able to see her and have her come visit me in Austin. She returned to Las Vegas January 3rd, the day after the game and then came my birthday, Jan. 4. It was a wonderful birthday having dinner with my friends and then upon leaving my celebration I tripped on an uneven surface and broke my foot! :-( I was out a few days this week, but returned on Thursday and have been doing okay; just trying to walk as little as possible, which is quite a joke in my job...I have to walk around ALL the time, so who was I kidding thinking I could try to stay off my feet! ;-) It has not been too bad, though, and everyone has been very sweet about it. I am glad to be back!!

I will be wearing this lovely gem for at least the next three weeks! At least I don't have to have a cast! :-) 


It's always so nice to get a "get well" note from a caring student!! :-)

Today was our Student Council Spirit Day, "Dress for Success Day" where the students dressed up as people in careers that they are interested in. It's always so fun to see the kids dress up and see what they aspire to be! We've got a football player, veterinarian, doctor, paleontologist, astronaut, and "the first female NFL player" pictured!! So fun! 



We also changed our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) word of the month for January. Last month's word was "Honesty" and the third graders performed a fun song at one of our school assembly's last month about being honest and what the word means. Each teacher writes names of students on our word of the month wall each week who have demonstrated honesty, or whatever the word may be. 

Hopefully our new board will be filled up even more for January with kids who are doing a great job demonstrating confidence!! Encourage your kids to be confident and honest at home, too! 

Next week I will back to my regularly scheduled lessons and will be teaching a career lesson to all students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First grades. We will play a fun game with some career finger puppets, read a really funny story about choosing a career and write about what we want to be when we grow up! 
Have a wonderful weekend and try to stay warm!! :-) 

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