Friday, May 22, 2020

Calm Your Worries with "A Little Spot of Anxiety" by Diane Alber

Counseling Lessons for the Week of May 25-28

I cannot believe we have made it to the last week of school! What a crazy and unexpected ending to our year! While I am sad that it is ending this way, instead of being together at Oak Hill and getting to hug each other goodbye for the summer, I must say I am also feeling very proud. I am so proud of all students, parents, and staff for getting through the rest of the school year together with positivity and hard work! We all definitely lived up to our final "SEL Trait of the Month", which was PERSEVERANCE! 

We don't yet know what the future will bring for going back to school in the fall and that can cause some anxiety for some of us. I know Mrs. Rosales and I are feeling a bit anxious for sure! It can be hard to face the unknown, but I know that whatever the decision is we will all get through it together as an amazing campus! We wanted to leave you with a lesson and story to help you deal with some of the anxieties you may face at this time. Enjoy this story for all ages about a strategy you can use to calm your anxiety and find your "peaceful spot". 

PK- 5th Grade can enjoy this story: 

Hopefully you were able to join along with the story and practice moving  or blowing away those "anxiety spots" and turning them into your "peaceful spot". These are just a couple ways you can try to calm your anxiety, but there are so many other ways. What ways have you already tried that have worked for you? For me sometimes exercising works well for me. It gets my endorphins going and makes me forget for a little bit about what I worried about. Especially when my workout involves being outside and getting some fresh air. If I am inside, sometimes it helps to cuddle with my cats or watch something funny with my fiance. Find what works for you and helps you to focus on something more positive. Can you make a list of all the things you can do to calm down, if you are anxious, scared, nervous, or worried? 

Here are a couple of activities you can do to help remember to practice your breathing, in addition to the breathing activities you saw in the story: 

Try those activities and the different methods Conscious Discipline suggests for calming down. Hopefully you will find the right one that works for you! 

Also, if you didn't have a chance to watch the "NPFH Year in Review" video yet, please be sure to check it out! You may even see yourself in it somewhere. It features our big "SEL Day" we had where we went out to the field and spelled "Be Kind". That was such a fun day and I am glad we have that memory to hold on to right before we were unable to come back to school. 

Mrs. Rosales and I hope you have a wonderful summer break!! While your summer may look a little different this year, we know you will all get creative and find some fun things to do whether you are in your homes, or outside exploring! Remember to be positive, be kind, and persevere! We look forward to seeing you all in one way or another in the fall!! :-)

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