Friday, May 15, 2020

Conflict Resolution with Shubert's Big Voice

Counseling Lessons for the week of May 18-22

I hope you all have had a great week!! What fun things did you do this week with your families? Have you been able to turn the "yucky stuff" into a beautiful pearl, like the oyster did in The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly? Think of all the negative things you've been able to turn into positives. Maybe even write, or draw about them. Doesn't that feel great? 

This week we want to share a lesson with you on conflict resolution. We know many of you may have siblings at home and maybe you are getting in some arguments, especially now that we are together all the time. I know I sure had my fair share of arguments with my siblings when I was growing up. It's normal and okay to get in arguments with our siblings and friends sometimes (not too frequently), but what is really important is that we know how to handle those arguments the right way. It is never okay to hit someone and it is not a good idea to scream and yell. Shubert is going to show us how he learned to handle a student in his class who was being mean to him and stole his apple from him. He learned how to use his big voice (firm voice, but not yelling), and you can, too! 

All grade levels can enjoy watching Shubert's Big Voice. Then, look for the lesson to complete after the story for your grade level: 

Now that you have heard the story, see if you can answer all of these questions. Maybe even try to role play using your "big voice". When someone is bothering you, or doing something they shouldn't be doing to you, it is okay for you to stand up for yourself and tell them to stop. If they don't stop after you have used your "big voice" and you have tried to solve the problem, find a trusted adult to get help from right away. 

PK-2 Grade Lesson: 

3rd-5th Grade Lesson: 

For 3rd-5th grades, you will find these videos about our brains helpful before you do your activity. Your activity relates Shubert's Big Voice to how we react to conflict or situations based on the emotional reactions from different parts of our brains. These videos will help you to learn about the different parts of the brain and how the limbic system is connected to our emotions.


I really love that brain song and hope you did, too! It had me dancing and learning in a fun way! I hope you all have a wonderful week! I can't believe how close we are to the end of the school year. I hope can start thinking of all the fun things you can do this summer. Even though we may be limited to some things we can or can't do, I know you all will get creative and think of some new ideas you maybe haven't thought of before! :-)

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